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Do you want to sell goods such as craftwork, flowers, fruit and vegetables, ice cream or drinks etc. on the street? Then you will probably need a street trading licence (also known as street trading consent). You can use a vehicle, kiosk or moveable stall for street trading.
The most crucial factor is where you make the street trading. Let’s find out where you can trade on the street and where you cannot. Because there are several exemptions (such as trading as a pedlar) in the Local Government Act 1982.

What are the different classifications of streets for trading?

Streets can be designated as follows where the controls are in place for street trading:

Consent Streets


If a street is “consent street”, you will need consent for street trading from your district council.


Licence Streets


If a street is “licence street”, you will need to make an application for a licence to trade on certain days.


Prohibited Streets


If a street is “prohibited street”, you are not allowed to trade. Therefore you cannot get a licence/consent for street trading on these streets.

What type of street trading licence/consent do I need?


Besides the designated streets, another important factor is the number of places that will trade and the time of the trading. Because you will need different types of licences/consents for different types of trades. For instance;

  • A static consent/licence is required if you plan to stay in the same spot every day and trade for more than twenty minutes at a time.
  • A mobile consent/licence is required if you wanted to trade in multiple places for no more than twenty minutes at a time.
  • A static consent/licence for each site is required if you wish to trade at more than one place every day yet stay for more than twenty minutes at a time.
Street Trading in UK, London
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Frequently Asked Questions

No, unlike planning applications, you cannot appeal against the council’s decision for street trading consent.

DISCLAIMER: There are numerous caveats and restrictions. Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations.A comprehensive review would be required for certainty. The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only.

Please contact us for further information and a more detailed assessment. If you are in any doubt, you should contact your Local Authority before undertaking any work. Whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and detailed, Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy with respect to information of any kind without a detailed assessment and/or Local Authority confirmation.

Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. 2022 |
Planning and Architectural Specialists

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