Class A : Advertisements displayed on enclosed land
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Do you need to advertise? The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations authorise a wide range of advertisements without the need for an application. Whether you need or don’t need an application, our services will help you. Let’s find out what kind of advertisements and signage are included in our services! And don’t forget to check your advertisement type in the lists below.
There are nine different types of advertisements (in Schedule 1 of the regulation) (Class A to I) that do not require consent from your local planning authority as long as certain conditions provided:
Class A : Advertisements displayed on enclosed land
Class B : Advertisements displayed on or in a vehicle normally employed as a moving vehicle.
Class C : Advertisements incorporated into the fabric of a building
Class D : Advertisements displayed on an article for sale or the container in, or from which, an article is sold.
Class E : Advertisements relating specifically to a pending Parliamentary, European Parliamentary or local government election or a referendum.
Class F : Advertisements are required to be displayed by Standing Orders of either House of Parliament or by any enactment or any condition imposed by any enactment on the exercise of any function.
Class G : Traffic signs
Class H : Flags
Class I : Advertisements displayed inside a building.
All advertisements are subjected to the 5 standard conditions according to Schedule 2 of the regulation:
There are 16 classes of advertisements (Class 1 to 16) that do not require consent from your local planning authority as long as they comply with additional requirements according to Schedule 3 of the regulation. Keep in mind that, each class has its own set of requirements and restrictions that must be followed. When the advertisement is in accordance with these conditions, it can benefit from “deemed consent”.
Class 1: Functional advertisements by public bodies
Class 2 : Miscellaneous advertisements on any premises
Class 3 : Temporary Advertisements
Class 4 : Illuminated advertisements
Class 5 : Advertisements on business premises
Class 6 : Advertisements on forecourts of business premises.
Class 7 : Flag Advertisements
Class 8 : Advertisements on hoardings around temporary construction sites
Class 9 : Advertisements displayed on purpose-designed highway structures
Class 10 : Properly authorised signs for approved Neighbourhood Watch and similar schemes
Class 11 : Directional advertisements
Class 12 : Advertisements displayed inside buildings
Class 13 : Advertisements on sites used for the preceding ten years for displaying advertisements
Class 14 : Advertisements displayed after the expiry of express consent
Class 15 : Captive balloons advertisements
Class 16 : Advertisements on telephone kiosks
DISCLAIMER: There are numerous caveats and restrictions. Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations. A comprehensive review would be required for certainty. The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only.
Please contact us for further information and a more detailed assessment. If you are in any doubt, you should contact your Local Authority before undertaking any work. Whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and detailed, Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy with respect to information of any kind without a detailed assessment and/or Local Authority confirmation.
Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. 2022 |
Planning and Architectural Specialists
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