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Does your property need a Land Registry? Our Lease Plan and Title Plan services will help you to achieve it.

Why do I need a Lease Plan and a Title Plan?

We are producing Lease Plans and Title Plans for leasing and Land Registry. The main difference between a “Lease Plan” and a “Title Plan” is what you want to achieve with these plans.

A “lease plan” outlines the boundaries of what the landlord and tenant are liable for in the upcoming lease between the two parties. To do this, a floor plan will be produced, which will indicate coloured demise lines of the subject property. Certain location maps with specified borders at various scales (such as 1/1250 and 1/2500) will be provided with the floor plan and a north arrow along with numerous other components.

Lease Plan
With Site Visit

0  to 1000 sqft:


choose the plan

Multiple plans in one location:


choose the plan

1000 sqft + 7p per sqft

choose the plan
Lease Plan With
No Site Visit

0  to 1000 sqft:


choose the plan

1000 to 2000 sqft:


choose the plan

1000 sqft + 7p per sqft

choose the plan
  • A North Point
  • 1/100 or 1/200 Scaled Plans
  • 1/1250 Scaled Location Plan
  • Coloured Demise Lines Indication The Demise of The Subject Property

Your lease plan will be prepared within 2 working days.

“title plan” supports the property for the Land Registry by identifying the extent (red lines that show the boundaries) of the land in a registered title. The title plan also shows covenants and easements. It was previously known as the “filed plan”.

Title Plan
with Site Visit

0  to 1000 sqft:


choose the plan

1000 sqft+
depends on complexity, please contact
to request a quote

choose the plan
Title Plan With
No Sıte vısıt

0  to 1000 sqft:


choose the plan

Subsequent plans at the same location:


choose the plan

“Please note that while we strive to provide accurate pricing, final quotes may vary based on the specific needs of each project. Our clients will be informed of the total quote before any work begins.”

contact us

DISCLAIMER: There are numerous caveats and restrictions. Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations. A comprehensive review would be required for certainty. The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only.

Please contact us for further information and a more detailed assessment. If you are in any doubt, you should contact your Local Authority before undertaking any work. Whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and detailed, Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy with respect to information of any kind without a detailed assessment and/or Local Authority confirmation.

Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. 2022 |
Planning and Architectural Specialists

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